Sunday, September 29, 2013

...Using your BRAIN to Learn More things...

Last lecture,
My lecturer told us that
We Should Use Our Brain completely

Actually,there is a HUGE capacity of our Brain
In daily life, we are just using a very small capacity of Brain
for thinking..
for memorizing..
for doing things..
and so on

So, how about the other brain capacity that we aren't using?
Just wasting it?
We should do something to change this condition

Human is the being that can control everything
Human can use their brain to make decision
Decision that can change the condition
and then Change the World
To make this World more better 

Learning is one of the important thing in our life
With the HUGE capacity of Brain
We are always be able to learn more new things

We should have positive attitude when learning
Therefore,we can learn what ever we want to learn
Sometimes, i heard some of my friends said
“this is too difficult for me, i can't do it well”
This is because they are negatively-thinking  
They haven't tried to use their brain to learnt it

At the end, they can't learn any new things
They just stuck at the same place 
They can't go-ahead to achieve the top of the mountain in their LIFE

Using your BRAIN 
Be positively-thinking 
Try to Learn more 
Making your Life more meaningful 
Making the world more better

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