Saturday, November 30, 2013

...About Her...

Brenda Gan Yit Yee

She is the 1st friend who I met in UKM

She comes from Kuantan,Pahang
while I come from Muar,Johor
Therefore, we seldom go back home
We spent our weekend together
Every Saturday n Sunday
We eat biscuit and milo or maggi mee as our lunch /.\
Because we want to save money
Sometimes, if we have free time
we will cook porridge or mihun tomyam as our dinner

She is cute,friendly,kindly
She likes to talk funny jokes when we are chatting
It's interesting when talking to her

She helps me in adapting the uni's life
We always discuss the assignments
We always share the information to each other

Brenda, I'm glad to meet you
Thanks for accompany me in my uni's life
Thanks for willing to become my friend ^^
appreciate =)

 She always say "I'm so pretty" hehe.. so cute ^^

Saturday, November 23, 2013



It's Sunday again!
So fast, one week past..
Another week coming soon..

Untill now,
I has one more mid-sem exam @@
Burning the mid-night oil is needed, I think.
I can't sleep well this week T.T

This morning,
after I have my breakfirst,
I start to clean my bedroom
sweep the floor, mop the floor
clean the table, arrange the books
1 hour later,
my messy room is changed to a clean and tidy room!

woohoo =D
After that,
I go to wash my clothes
Handwashing ~.~
I take around 1 hour to finish washing them
so tired ><

Now, I rest for a while
I have my lunch in room
and then write this blog =D
Energy back !! 
Keep working hard =D

Wish all of u have a wonderful Sunday!
Smile =)

...Amali Makmal 1...

Pada 20.11.2013 (Rabu)
Kami set4 telah menduduki Amali Makmal 1

Pada minggu sebelum laptest tersebut,
Sir telah mengajar kami tentang WORD,EXCEL,POWER POINT
Kami juga diberikan soalan-soalan pass year sebagai latihan

Hari sebelum laptest tersebut,
Saya berasa nervous
Saya takut saya tidak dapat menjawab soalan laptest dengan baik
Oleh itu, saya telah mengajak kawan saya 
untuk membuat latihan W&E&PP bersama-sama

Pada Rabu pagi tersebut,
kebanyakan pelajar datang awal dan tunggu di luar makmal
Apabila pintu makmal dibuka,
semua pelajar berebut-rebut masuk ke dalam makmal
kerana setiap orang ingin mendapat komputer yang berfungsi

Saya mengguna komputer no.49 semasa menduduki laptest
Saya berdoa banyak kali supaya komputer tersebut 
dapat berfungsi baik dan tidak ada problem
walaupun saya ada membawa laptop sendiri
kerana saya perlu buat balik soalan laptest jika komputer tersebut "HANG"!!!
Ini akan membazirkan banyak masa
Nasib baik, komputer tersebut tidak "HANG" sampai saat terakhir laptest

Sebenarnya, soalan laptest lebih kurang sama dengan latihan pass year 
Hanya diubah sedikit sahaja
Nasib baik, saya dapat menjawab semua soalan laptest
Tetapi,saya tidak pasti sama ada jawapan saya betul ke tak 

Pada bahagian Mail Merge
Kami perlu menghasilkan satu surat rasmi
Nasib baik lagi, Sir telah mengingatkan kami tentang alamat surat rasmi
Saya baru sedar jawapan tersebut perlu mengikut format surat rasmi

Saya telah berusaha untuk menjawab laptest tersebut
Sorry Sir, jika saya tidak dapat jawap laptest dengan baik

Encik Azzwan, terima kasih atas ajaran dan ingatan yang diberikanWalaupun saya macam sentiasa diam semasa kelastetapi saya sentiasa bersyukur
kerana saya dapat belajar subject ini tanpa berasa stressSir,saya meminta maaf atas kesalahan yang telah dibuat,dan...Sir, jangan berasa kecewa,kami akan terus berusaha lagi =)

Friday, November 15, 2013

...Kejujuran dalam Perhubungan...

Kejujuran merupakan satu kata yang amat sederhana namun di zaman sekarang menjadi sesuatu yang langka dan sangat tinggi harganya. Memang ketika kita merasa senang dan segalanya berjalan lancar, mengamalkan kejujuran secara konsisten tidaklah sulit, namun pada saat sebuah nilai kejujuran yang kita pegang bertolak belakang dengan perasaan, kita mulai tergoncang apakah akan tetap berpegang teguh, atau membiarkan tergilas oleh suatu keadaan.

Kejujuran sangat penting dalam sesebuah perhubungan.Apa-apa yang kita luahkan, itulah yang datang dari hati.Pada masa yang sama,  kata-kata janji serta sumpah, itulah yang lahir dari lidah yang tidak bertulang.

Bolehkan kita percaya kata-kata itu?  

Sekiranya kita tidak mengamalkan kejujuran dalam sesebuah perhubungan dengan keluarga, rakan, dan sebagainya, kita mungkin akan menyebabkan sesuatu yang tidak baik berlaku.
Setiap kali penipuan, itulah dosa yang tidak boleh dimaafkan.

Anda hanya dapat tipu orang yang percaya kepada anda !!
Anda tak rasa sedih atau guilty apabila anda tipu?

Apabila orang yang ditupu oleh anda mendapati anda telah menipu dia,
anda tahukan betapa sedihnya?
anda tahukah betapa kesalnya dia percaya kepada anda? 

Akhirnya, perhubungan antara anda dengannya akan percah
Mungkin dia tidak akan memaafkan anda
Mungkin dia akan memaafkan anda
TETAPI perhubangan tersebut tidak akan pulih kembali seperti mana dahulu
sampai masa itu, anda menyesal pun tak guna lagi


What are you understand about  MARRIAGE ?

Marriage is the process by which two people who love each other make their relationship public, official, and permanent. It is the joining of two people in a bond that putatively lasts until death, but in practice is increasingly cut short by divorce. Of course, over the course of a relationship that can last as many as seven or eight decades, a lot happens. Personalities change, bodies age, and romantic love waxes and wanes. And no marriage is free of conflict. 

Before marriage, you need to make sure that you have found a right person to marry.

But, finding Miss or Mr. Right is not always an easy thing to do. Once you think you've found the right person, you may have doubts. Having doubts about who you are marrying is not only normal, having doubts is healthy.

Hopefully you already know that you shouldn't marry someone who drinks too much, spends too much, works too much, brags too much, uses drugs or other illegal behavior, or is unfaithful, cruel, or dishonest.

You are marrying the right person if your future spouse says "I love you" not only in words spoken, but by loving actions. We define loving actions as doing things such as noticing when you are tired, remembering your birthday, wanting to spend time with you, listening to you, showing you respect, calling if you are running late, showing you affection, being patient with you if you don't understand something, kissing you hello and goodbye, and hugging you for no special reason. 

The right person is also someone who you like and who is your friend. The right person will enjoy spending time with you.Your love and your marriage will slowly fade if the two of you are not friends.The right person is kind, considerate, and polite. Little things in life such as saying 'thank you' and holding a door open may seem old fashioned, but they do reflect the amount of caring and kindness in a person.

Although expecting a spouse to make you feel happy all the time is unreasonable, being with the right person can bring happiness and a sense of personal strength to your life.You will know you are marrying the right person when you feel support and encouragement about your own growth both emotionally and intellectually. The right person will want you to be emotionally healthy and able to stand on your own two feet. When you are with the right person you will feel good about yourself, safe, and fulfilled.

After marriage, you need to know how to maintain your happiness marriage in your life.
Here are some suggestion for u =)

Holding things in can really hurt your relationship, so talk frequently and honestly to each other about everything. This means your frustrations, sex, anger, disappointment, your appreciation of each other, the meaning of life – nothing should be off limits. Learn to listen and communicate instead of fighting. Fighting is childish, and you want a grown-up relationship.

Strive to work together to solve anything that comes up, rather than getting stuck on who's right or wrong. When you build a successful working partnership, each of you will feel supported and respected by the other. When each person feels that the other has their best interests at heart, problems are solved in a way that leaves both parties satisfied, rather than walking away angry.

Focus on the good things to help maintain a healthy marriage. Have a sense of humor (rather than taking yourself too seriously), give your partner the benefit of the doubt, care about each other and store up plenty of good times in your relationship reservoir to draw on in the hard times.

Marriage is a wonderful thing, but it also takes hard work if you want it to succeed.

Therefore, both husband and wife must always care and love and learn to understand to each other.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

...In Time...

I watched many movie on my holidays
At the same time,
I also remember to manage my time wisely
to prepare my mid-sem exam

I would like to share a movie
that I watched today with all of you

In Time

It is the year 2169 and people have been genetically engineered to be born with a digital clock, bearing 1 year of time, on their forearm. At the age of 25 a person stops aging, but their clock begins counting down; when it reaches zero, that person "times out" and dies instantly.
Time on these clocks has become the universal currency; by touching arms, one person can transfer it to another, or to or from a separate clock (a "time capsule") that can be shipped or safely stored in a "time bank".
The country is divided into "time zones" based on the wealth of its population. The film focuses on two time zones: Dayton is poor, with a populace that has learned indifference to the timed-out bodies on its streets; and New Greenwich, the wealthiest zone, where inhabitants enjoy the benefits of their immortality and wealth, but are constantly surrounded by bodyguards and spend their time worried about accidental death.
Will Salas (Justin Timberlake), a 28-year-old Dayton factory worker, lives with his mother Rachel (Olivia Wilde). While in a bar, he saves drunken and suicidal 105-year-old Henry Hamilton (Matt Bomer), a time-rich New Greenwich resident, from an attempted robbery by Fortis (Alex Pettyfer), the boss of a gang called "Minute Men". Hamilton reveals to Will the truth about wealth: there is enough time for everyone to live a long life, but New Greenwich citizens take and store most of the time for themselves in order to live forever. In order to maintain the status quo, they continually increase the cost of living in poorer districts. Hamilton tells him that "for a few to be immortal, many must die". Hamilton gives 116 years of his time to a sleeping Will, and with 5 minutes remaining, walks out to the Dayton bridge to die. The police force, or Timekeepers, led by Timekeeper Raymond Leon (Cillian Murphy), see Hamilton's clock and realize that his time was taken. They look at video footage and identify Will as a thief.Will visits his best friend Borel (Johnny Galecki), an alcoholic, to whom he gives 10 years, one year for every year they have been friends, but says goodbye, as he plans to live in New Greenwich with his mother. Meanwhile, Rachel must give all but 90 minutes of her time to pay her debts. When she boards the bus to get back home, she learns the fare has been raised to two hours. Since it's a 2-hour walk home, she is forced to run. When Will sees that Rachel is not on the scheduled bus, he deduces what has happened and begins to run to her. He attempts to save her, but a second before they can touch, she times out and dies.Will decides to seek revenge and leaves for New Greenwich. Will meets time-loaning businessman Philippe Weis (Vincent Kartheiser), who possesses 1,000,000 years, and his 27-year-old daughter Sylvia (Amanda Seyfried). While playing poker, Will bets all but 30 seconds of his time, but wins back the pot of 1,100 years. Sylvia invites him to a party in the Weis mansion. Soon after Will arrives, he is apprehended by Leon, who confiscates all but two hours of Will's time. Will escapes and takes Sylvia hostage. He returns to Dayton with her, driving into Fortis's ambush, knocking both himself and Sylvia unconscious. Fortis tries to take all of Sylvia's years, but leaves about half an hour.Will and Sylvia wake up and visit Borel to get back some time, only to learn from Borel's wife Greta (Yaya Alafia) that he died of an alcohol overdose with nine years still left. Sylvia pawns her diamond earrings to buy more time. Will calls Weis and demands a 1,000-year ransom for Sylvia to be distributed to Dayton. Sylvia's mother is willing to pay, but Weis isn't, as Leon has already traced the call.Will discovers that Weis did not pay, but decides to let Sylvia go. Leon comes to arrest Will, but Sylvia shoots Leon because now she wants to help the poor. Will transfers two hours of time to Leon so that he'll be able to leave Dayton, then they escape in Leon's hijacked car. Will tells Sylvia to run away, but she refuses. Meanwhile, Leon issues a warrant for Sylvia's arrest as well, warning Weis not to help his daughter in any way or he will be arrested. Sylvia helps Will rob time banks, steal time capsules and distributing them to the poor.When the inflation rate rises after another robbery, the pair realize they would need a million years to cause any significant damage to the system, so they break into Weis's private vault and steal a million years. Leon finds them, but Will manages to pass the capsule to a young girl (Shyloh Oostwald), who distributes time to the people. Leon eventually catches up with Will and Sylvia outside the city, holding them at gunpoint. Will deduces that Leon himself is from Dayton but managed to successfully escape. Leon has neglected to replenish his own time before going after them, and he dies. Will and Sylvia are left with mere seconds to live. Will runs to Leon's car and takes Leon's per diem time. Will then runs back to catch Sylvia, in a similar scene to that of his mother, but with a different outcome as he catches Sylvia and gives her time.Will and Sylvia continue robbing banks as part of their efforts to crash the system, while the rich attempt to cope with the sudden surge of people infiltrating their zone. Lower class workers, now rich with time, cross time zones, signifying the end of inequality. The last scene shows Will and Sylvia preparing to rob a huge time bank to further disrupt the system.

Interesting right?
You can left your comment here after you watch it ^^

...The Stolen Years...

This is the movie that i watched yesterday

It is about another LOVE story
It is a sad story too
It is really meaningful
I want to share it with all of you

The Stolen Years

The narrative proper commences in 2012, He Mann lost her memories 5 years ago when she had an accident,when He Mann wakes up at a hospital and finds herself unable to remember anything that has happened since her joyous honeymoon in a resort in southern Taiwan with her husband Xie Yu in 2007.At the same time, she could not understand why she and her husband had divorced; why her best friend turn into foe; why colleagues all avoid and tried to stay away from her.
In order to find back her memories, she starts on her search of her lost memories with the help of her ex-husband. But as they discover more, they then realise they still love each other so much.Therefore, He Mann and Xie Yu decide to recover. 
However, at the end, He Mann is to struggle with the onset of Alzheimer’s and Xie Yu is to be shown doing his utmost best in attending to her physical needs and her emotional health -- a tragic toil made doubly wretched when He Mann opts for a cure that leads to a more horrid consequence and, of course, a final tearing of heartstrings. 

People always ask "How long can one love another?",
Every love wishes to be long-lasting and forever.
But reality is usually harsh and no matter how great a love is, 
time still takes it's toll.

Monday, November 4, 2013

...I Give My First Love To You...

I watch this movie with my friends today
It is a Japanese Movie with English subtitle

It is a wonderful movie
It is a dramatic and romantic movie
It is really good and so meaningful

 I Give My First Love To You 
" My love life has a time limit   
It's much shorter than others 
So I have no time to waste 
I have to shine brightlyLike fireworks in the summer sky "

I would like to share this movie with all of you ...

The movie begins when Mayu and Takuma were children. They were friends since they were 8 years old. Takuma has a heart disease and he is treated by a cardiologist who happens to be Mayu's father. One day, Takuma and Mayu overhear that Takuma will not live past the age of 20 due to his condition. However, their friendship grows and Takuma becomes Mayu's first love. When they are out playing in the fields, Takuma promises to marry Mayu when they turn 20.

Time passes, and Mayu and Takuma have grown up and are attending junior high school, but their love for each other remains unchanged. However, Takuma, who knows his days are numbered, wanted to push away his feelings for Mayu and distance himself from Mayu, because he cannot stand to see her cry or hurt her more than he already has. He promised to himself that after his last day in junior high, he will leave Mayu. He decided to attend an elite high school, which Takuma thinks that Mayu cannot go into.To Takuma's surprise, Mayu managed to go into that school and had actually done well enough in the school's entrance examination that she became the 1st year student body representative. She scolded Takuma in front of everyone in the school hall, when she should be making her welcome speech. She told Takuma that even if he wanted to abandon her, it will not happen in a 100,000 years. Therefore, they became known to the school as lovers.Mayu then meets Kou, who likes her and asked her to be his girlfriend. However, Mayu refuses. On the other hand, Takuma meets Teru, his old elementary school classmate and friend, and Mayu gets jealous when he spent a lot of time visiting her. Kou asked Takuma to give Mayu to him, as Takuma should spare Mayu from the pain when Takuma died. Mayu and Takuma broke up briefly because Takuma granted Teru her wish of experiencing a kiss before she died. When Takuma visited Teru the next day, he found out that she had died.Takuma then issued Kou a challenge- they would run a 100-meter race, with the loser backing off from Mayu. Kou accepted the challenge but Takuma wins, and went to find Mayu for a date. That day, Kou went out of the school at the same time as Mayu and Takuma, and was knocked down by a van as he rushed across a train crossing. Then, Takuma was informed that he had a suitable heart donor. Later, Mayu found out that the donor was the now brain-dead Kou, and tried to hide the fact from Takuma. However, Takuma eventually found out and refused the donation. At the same time, Kou's family saw that Kou had shed tears, and decided that there might be a miracle, and refused the donation as well. Mayu begged them many times, but they still refused to budge.Later, Takuma suffered a heart attack. He was rushed to hospital, and the doctor did not give him much chance of living. In his sleep, Takuma prayed that he could have just a short time more to live, and he got a miraculous recovery, and surprised Mayu. He brought Mayu on their "honeymoon", visiting many places.

Finally, at the field where they first kissed, Takuma told Mayu that he was very lucky and was happy with his life and gave her a letter that he had done when he was eight.Upon their arrival back to the hospital, Takuma suffered another heart attack and despite the efforts of the doctor, Takuma died. Mayu went to the roof and opened his letter, which told everyone to be happy when he was gone. The film ends with Mayu borrowing the urn containing Takuma's ashes, and went to a church to have a "wedding", thus fulfilling their promise when they were young.

I know
It is such a sad ending
It is really a meaningful love story

If you have time, you can watch the FULL movie here 

It really touched me
It make me cried insanely

 True LOVE lasts forever, It is boundless and timeless, There is no limit even death


In this semester,
I am taking Foundation English

I don't have final exam for this paper
I am going to perform a drama with my team members
At week 5,
We decided to perform JUMANJI as our drama

Let me introduce what is the story JUMANJI about 

In 1869, two boys bury a chest in a forest near Keene, New Hampshire. A century later in 1969, 12-year-old Alan Parrish flees from a group of bullies to the shoe factory owned by his father, Sam, where he meets his friend Carl Bentley, one of Sam's employees. When Alan accidentally damages a machine with a prototype sneaker, Carl hopes to present, Carl takes the blame and loses his job. Outside the factory, after the bullies beat up Alan and steal his bicycle, Alan follows the sound of tribal drumbeats to a construction site and finds the chest, containing a mysterious board game called Jumanji.

Alan takes the game home and after an argument with his father about attending a boarding school, he decides to run away. However, his friend Sarah Whittle arrives to give his bike back. The two begin playing Jumanji. When the dice is rolled, the player's piece moves by itself and a cryptic message appears in a crystal ball in the center of the board. When Alan makes his first move, he is sucked into the game and bats chase Sarah out of the house.Twenty-six years later in 1995, Judy and Peter Shepherd move into the vacant Parrish house with their aunt Nora after losing their parents in a skiing accident in Canada. Judy and Peter hear Jumanji's drumbeats and play the game in the attic; they are attacked by giant mosquitoes and their kitchen is destroyed by a troop of monkeys. Realizing that everything will be restored when the game ends, they continue playing despite the danger. Peter rolls a five, releasing both a lion and Alan, who is now an adult. Alan locks the lion in a bedroom, then heads to his father's old factory to find his parents, now derelict. On the way, he meets Carl, who is now working as a police officer, and discovers that the town's economy was devastated by the factory's closure. In the factory, a homeless man reveals that Sam was distraught at Alan's disappearance and abandoned the business to search for him. Both his parents have since died.Alan reluctantly agrees to watch while Judy and Peter continue playing before he cleans himself up in the bathroom, but soon realises that Judy and Peter are playing the same game he and Sarah started, and therefore they will have to join in. They find Sarah, devastated by Alan's disappearance, and they are able to convince her to join them in finishing the game.

Sarah's move releases fast-growing vines and a giant deadly man-eating "pod", which almost eats Peter. Alan rolls and a big-game hunter named Van Pelt who is intent on killing him emerges. On Judy's next turn an animal stampede wrecks the house. Among other things after Peter saves the game at a stream while Alan gives a fish to a pelican, Peter gradually transforms into a monkey after trying to cheat while Alan is being arrested by Carl and Carl recognizes his old friend Alan before Alan can catch up with Peter, Sarah and Judy by handcuffing Carl to his car; Peter, Sarah and Judy battle Van Pelt in a local department store before Alan shows up just in time; after Alan, Sarah, Judy and Peter discovered that the house is now a complete jungle and continued to play the game; a monsoon floods the house; two crocodiles attack the group; Alan is sucked into the floor by quicksand; an earthquake destroys the house; large venomous spiders attack them and Judy is shot with a poisonous barb from a flower. Finally, Alan wins the game just as Van Pelt corners him and tries to shoot him and Sarah; Van Pelt and all the game's other elements are then sucked back into the game.Alan and Sarah find themselves back in 1969 again as children, at the point when they began playing before the game started, but with full memories of later events. Alan reconciles with his father Sam and admits his responsibility for damaging the machine in the plant. Carl gets his job back, and Sam tells his son that he does not have to attend the boarding school, but he can still go to a regular school. Alan goes to look for Judy and Peter if they are still in the attic, but Sarah reminds him that it's 1969 and they had not even been born yet. The two chain up the Jumanji board and throw it into a river. Sarah kisses Alan, and they begin a romantic relationship.In the present day, Alan and Sarah are now married and expecting their first child. Alan has taken over the shoe business, Carl still works in the factory as the plant supervisor, and Sam is retired, but still alive. Judy, Peter, and their parents meet with Alan and Sarah at a Christmas party, where Alan and Sarah offer the children's father a job in the shoe company. They convince them to cancel an upcoming skiing trip to Canada to which the children's parents agree with.
click here!! JUMANJI

Interesting right?
We will try our best to prepare it and perform it well ^^
Good Luck !