Saturday, November 23, 2013



It's Sunday again!
So fast, one week past..
Another week coming soon..

Untill now,
I has one more mid-sem exam @@
Burning the mid-night oil is needed, I think.
I can't sleep well this week T.T

This morning,
after I have my breakfirst,
I start to clean my bedroom
sweep the floor, mop the floor
clean the table, arrange the books
1 hour later,
my messy room is changed to a clean and tidy room!

woohoo =D
After that,
I go to wash my clothes
Handwashing ~.~
I take around 1 hour to finish washing them
so tired ><

Now, I rest for a while
I have my lunch in room
and then write this blog =D
Energy back !! 
Keep working hard =D

Wish all of u have a wonderful Sunday!
Smile =)

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