Marriage is the process by which two people who love each other make their relationship public, official, and permanent. It is the joining of two people in a bond that putatively lasts until death, but in practice is increasingly cut short by divorce. Of course, over the course of a relationship that can last as many as seven or eight decades, a lot happens. Personalities change, bodies age, and romantic love waxes and wanes. And no marriage is free of conflict.
Before marriage, you need to make sure that you have found a right person to marry.
But, finding Miss or Mr. Right is not always an easy thing to do. Once you think you've found the right person, you may have doubts. Having doubts about who you are marrying is not only normal, having doubts is healthy.
Hopefully you already know that you shouldn't marry someone who drinks too much, spends too much, works too much, brags too much, uses drugs or other illegal behavior, or is unfaithful, cruel, or dishonest.
You are marrying the right person if your future spouse says "I love you" not only in words spoken, but by loving actions. We define loving actions as doing things such as noticing when you are tired, remembering your birthday, wanting to spend time with you, listening to you, showing you respect, calling if you are running late, showing you affection, being patient with you if you don't understand something, kissing you hello and goodbye, and hugging you for no special reason.
The right person is also someone who you like and who is your friend. The right person will enjoy spending time with you.Your love and your marriage will slowly fade if the two of you are not friends.The right person is kind, considerate, and polite. Little things in life such as saying 'thank you' and holding a door open may seem old fashioned, but they do reflect the amount of caring and kindness in a person.
Although expecting a spouse to make you feel happy all the time is unreasonable, being with the right person can bring happiness and a sense of personal strength to your life.You will know you are marrying the right person when you feel support and encouragement about your own growth both emotionally and intellectually. The right person will want you to be emotionally healthy and able to stand on your own two feet. When you are with the right person you will feel good about yourself, safe, and fulfilled.
After marriage, you need to know how to maintain your happiness marriage in your life.
Here are some suggestion for u =)
Holding things in can really hurt your relationship, so talk frequently and honestly to each other about everything. This means your frustrations, sex, anger, disappointment, your appreciation of each other, the meaning of life – nothing should be off limits. Learn to listen and communicate instead of fighting. Fighting is childish, and you want a grown-up relationship.
Strive to work together to solve anything that comes up, rather than getting stuck on who's right or wrong. When you build a successful working partnership, each of you will feel supported and respected by the other. When each person feels that the other has their best interests at heart, problems are solved in a way that leaves both parties satisfied, rather than walking away angry.
Focus on the good things to help maintain a healthy marriage. Have a sense of humor (rather than taking yourself too seriously), give your partner the benefit of the doubt, care about each other and store up plenty of good times in your relationship reservoir to draw on in the hard times.
Marriage is a wonderful thing, but it also takes hard work if you want it to succeed.
Marriage is a wonderful thing, but it also takes hard work if you want it to succeed.
Therefore, both husband and wife must always care and love and learn to understand to each other.
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