Wednesday, October 16, 2013

...7 weeks in UKM...

This was the first day that I become UKM student
All new things are fresh to me
New friends New environment

On the 1st week in UKM
I have joined the MMP week with others
I used to wake up very early in the morning
and go to bed lately in the midnight
There was how a exhausted week!
The PCs had planned many fascinating activities to us
especially the EXPLOTASI UKM!!
We needed to walk around whole UKM!!
We had a lot of fun along the week =)

On the 2nd week in UKM
As a FEP BBA student
I need to register the course myself
There are many sets of each course
As one of the UKM newbies
I am blur blur when registering course
Luckily, the seniors are always willing to help me
Appreciate it =)

On the following weeks in UKM
I have starting my study
I felt stress
but I know
I must adapt it quickly

and NOW
The mid-sem exams are coming soon
I must put more effort on my study
Chia Yok! Gambateh! 

Everybody, good luck!


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