Sunday, October 27, 2013

...Mid-Sem Exam...

I had my Account mid-sem EXAM on last Wednesday
Before Wednesday,
I kept reading the notes to memorize the theory
and also kept doing exercises
I felt very nervous
Because this is my 1st exam in UKM

The exam started from 8pm to 11pm in DTAMS                   
I finished doing my answer at the last second !!
Because I need to count for all the questions

After the exam,
We went out the DTAMS to take bus back to Zaba,
I saw many students were gathering at the outside of DTAMS
because there was be the PUSAT UMUM KEPUTUSAN
for Pilihan Raya UKM
In the end, Gabungan Murid is the winner

Back to my mid-sem exam,
I have finished the exam for one subject ONLY
After the sem break,
I have the exam for three more subjects!!

lost my holiday mood
I need to do more revision 
Keep Fighting !!


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